• Nash Peake Works,Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 5BT England

91.5m High Concrete Chimney Demolition

Rafferty’s have been awarded and are well underway with a contract to demolish a 91.5m high reinforced concrete chimney in St Helens, UK.

The demolition of the chimney will be carried out in a piecemeal fashion using our innovative sliding band scaffold platform, which enables the scaffolding to be lowered as the demolition proceeds.

Our team of steeplejacks have been working tirelessly and are on target to finish the project ahead of schedule.

Rafferty’s remain one of the country’s leading companies able to address and overcome the difficulties involved in major industrial chimney demolition and dismantling contracts, particularly within sensitive densely populated and `live’ situations. Our expertise in controlled demolition and dismantling of brick, concrete and steel industrial chimney structures is regularly called upon by clients throughout the UK, Europe and the World.

Due to the demanding and high risk nature of this sector of industry, the experience of the specialist contractor is crucial to ensuring safe completion of the project. With 70 years’ experience and hundreds of industrial chimney demolitions to our name, a client can feel complete comfort when appointing Rafferty’s for high risk projects such as this.

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BAE Systems Twin Steel Chimneys Dismantled

Rafferty Steeplejacks have successfully completed the dismantling of 2 No. 35.3m high multi flue steel chimneys for BAE Systems at their Radway Green site in Cheshire. The following photographs show various stages of the dismantling procedure.

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