• Nash Peake Works,Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 5BT England

Silo Maintenance Contract Awarded

Following a detailed visual inspection and NDT survey of 6 No. rail silos at a quarry in Yorkshire, Rafferty’s steeplejack and specialist access division have subsequently been awarded a six figure contract for crucial maintenance works.


The maintenance work is estimated to take 12 weeks from commencement to completion and involves over-plating where advanced corrosion and deterioration has occurred to the silo shell along with fully descaling and repainting of the full height of each silo.


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Oil Refinery Shutdown Contract Awarded

Rafferty Steeplejacks have been involved in every major shutdown on this particular Oil Refinery since 1974 and we are delighted to have been awarded inspection & maintenance works on 4 No. reinforced concrete chimneys during this years shutdown turnaround.

The site work will commence in August with the shutdown planned to start at the end of September through to early November.

The chimneys covered under Rafferty’s remit include the following;

1. 122m High SRU Reinforced Concrete Chimney

2. 121.7m High HVI Reinforced Concrete Chimney

3. 120m High Platformer 3 Reinforced Concrete Chimney

4. 80m High CO Boiler Reinforced Concrete Chimney

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Emergency Repair Works Underway Within 24 Hours

Rafferty Steeplejacks have recently carried out an external and internal inspection of 2 No. HRSG steel chimneys for a valued client on a power station in the South West of England. The internal inspection revealed that the 2 No. chimneys had started to buckle in a specific area on both stacks. Following further investigation works externally it was determined that the buckled areas corresponded to the position of external cladding rings which had been holding moisture and deteriorting the chimney shell externally.

The two HRSG steel chimneys stand approximately 65m high above ground level and have a diameter of 6.3m. With the strucutral integrity of these huge chimneys now hanging in the balance, Rafferty’s carried out detailed design calculations, formulated a suitable repair method and, to the relief of the client, mobilised a team of 8 highly trained steeplejack and welder plater operatives to site within 24 hours.  The two teams of 4 are now working in tandem on both chimneys and are carrying out structural plating and strenghening works thoughout the full circumference of the chimneys in the defective areas.

Rafferty’s unrivalled design capabilities and knowledge of steel chimney structures have proven paramount in this emergency situation and their employment of a highly specialised workforce have enabled a prompt and professional service to be provided at very short notice.

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University Hospital of North Staffordshire Contract Complete

Rafferty Steeplejacks have successfully completed inspection and maintenance works on the 2 No. multi flue steel chimneys at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire. With only a handful of chimneys now left in Stoke-On-Trent, Rafferty’s were delighted to be rewarded with this local contract.

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